Albert Klimovych's profile

T I M O N - Branding

T  I  M  O  N

A mobile application that allows the user to add an automatic signature 
to photos, the application works in Instagram, because there is the largest audience. 
Users of the application from 19 to 30 years.

Applications were developed in Japan, because this topic is very relevant in Japan. 
Many users have been waiting 
for such an application, which simplify life.


The idea of ​​a logo based on
 owls and quotes. Owl-shaped quotes
In the process of working on the project it was clear that the
 form of quotation marks can only be shown in the form of a krill owl. 
A lot of sects were done, because you had to find the best option among all.

The brand keeps the foundation on the idea of ​​quotes.
 In the pattern is clearly visible kavichki.


T I M O N - Branding


Project Made For

T I M O N - Branding

T  I  M  O  N A mobile application that allows the user to add an automatic signature to photos, the application works in Instagram, because the Read More
